Achieve The Perfect Outcomes With Quality Spray Tan

By Haywood Hunter

Spray tanning has grown exponentially over the last few years as fewer and fewer people are sitting under the UV rays outside. This concept was introduced to the public in the 1960s. Now ads for spray tan are everywhere from drug stores, departments stores and day spas. Any professional salon has the ability to offer superior formulas as well as the latest in the application process which includes spray booths and airbrush systems.

Many collages and/or universities now offer courses that introduce you to this new system. It is a very good way for you to get to know all the ins and outs if you are thinking of opening your own spa or just want to get into the industry. In the end you will be well trained and have a certificate stating your achievement. Many even offer this form of education on-site as well as on-line; decide which would suit you better.

For those with a fair skin the best solution for you would be the 9% one. It will give you a light tan without overdoing it. It will increase the color slowly and the more times you apply it the darker it will become. For the medium color skin tone, it is advisable to use the 11% coverage and for the darker skin the 13% solution will work best.

The effect of the UV radiation can cause skin cancer, cataracts, premature skin aging as well as causing your immune system to become suppressed. This is why the World Health Organization no longer recommends this device. Many of these mainly emit UVA rays and this has been found to increase the risk of melanoma, which is one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer. Those that have used this and not worn goggles have reported having arc eye, or snow blindness.

The tan machine is very lightweight and is portable, weighing less than 10lbs. It will spray a super fine and atomized directional spay. It is especially designed for all heavy duty and rigorous use. The needle is of stainless steel so will last longer that plastic. The plastic one will break down overtime and will not produce a fine even spray as time progresses.

If your elbows and feet are very dry, message a little cream in before applying. The dryer the skin is the darker the tan will appear making it look unsightly. If you are a little worried about leaving streaks or missing spots, try applying a tan moisturizer. This will make your skin darker the more times it is applied.

Use this product before your appointment. It can be applied after your shower or just moisten the skin with water. Apply in a circular motion all over the body and rinse thoroughly. It will remove any impurities and oils the skin produces for a fresh and clean finish.

There are even body washes that can boost your tan while you shower. Most soaps and body washes tend to make your tan fade every time you use them. Spray tans are quick and do not cost an arm and a leg to have it applied. It will leave you feeling like a new person ready to handle whatever the world throws at you.

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