Feeling Functionally Great

By Samantha Terry

By finding this information, you have found a solution for how to live better starting today. Many people need to alter what we eat and how we live. Trying to find our way through diets and trends that are confusing and misleading can be difficult.

As our world has become more industrial, so our air and foods/drinks have become more polluted. This pollution resides within us as toxins that we cannot be rid of by continuing to eat and live as we have before. By changing the way we eat, and how we perceive our nutrition, we can make our body into an unparalleled toxin fighter.

Introducing an alkaline diet to your life is the best way to get results to repair the damage we have caused ourselves by eating badly. An alkalizing diet tweaks our body's Ph level to healthy zones. People require around 7.4 to maintain good health. The trouble is, what we eat does not promote that currently. When our body's Ph levels are too high or too low, our bodies will react negatively. Symptoms ranging from low back pain, kidney stones, and chronic diseases forming are just a few of the ways our body is crying out for help. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels become unmanageable, we become obese, and we struggle to repair the damage. We can reverse the damage by simply choosing to eat and drink the right things that will get our body back into safe Ph levels.

We cannot take the pollutants from the air or water, but we can negate the effects of ingesting things that have had the pollutants leached into them by not eating those things. If we recognize where our toxins are coming from, we can better prepare ourselves for what to avoid.

One person is not enough to try to remove all the pollutants from the air or water, but we can effectively halt the effects of ingesting things that have absorbed the pollutants by not eating those things. If we realize and learn where our toxins are coming from, we can begin making lists of foods that are safe.

Benefits from eating alkalizing foods instead include the retention of muscle mass as we age, due to the high potassium level in fruits and vegetables, and a reduced acid load. It has also been shown to improve growth hormones, which improves our quality of life by reducing cardiovascular risk factors, and helping memory and cognition. People who suffer chronic low back pain who have switched to an alkaline diet have increased their intracellular magnesium resulting in the proper function of enzymes and activation of vitamin D, which in turn, removes the pain.

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