Tips Of Buying Horse Rugs

By Sally Delacruz

Owning a horse or pony is a dream come true for many people. They have often been riding since childhood before being able to afford their own animals. When they are finally able to have their own horses most people want to make the most of every possible moment. They love to ride and groom their horses, go out on trail rides and compete in shows.

During the cold winter months horses will need at least one thick, waterproof rug. Once the weather warms up they need thinner sheets, which are typically made of cotton. Horse rugs vary in size, color and style, but there is sure to be something to meet every need. Everyday barn wear must be durable and above all washable. The newer polyester cotton blends are perfect as they stand up to lots of wear and tear.

One of the best places to shop for a new rug is the local tack store. Most riders have a favorite store in their neighborhood, where they can buy all the supplies they need to meet the day to day needs of their horses and ponies. From show boots, to saddles and everything in between. It is great to build up a working relationship with the store owner and staff, so they can help with questions and finding all the right equipment.

The new generation of winter rugs are really outstanding. Innovative designers have gone back to the drawing board to create horse clothing that really works. The styles are now made to fit all the contoured to really fit the animals body. The shoulders are particularly sensitive to rubbing from a rug that is too tight. Specially vented leg arches give plenty of the room for even the most rambunctious of horses to stay busy and not be restricted.

The latest rugs also have the advantage of being very light. Traditionally the older blankets were very heavy and difficult to use. Once they got wet they were even heavier. Washing them at the end of the season was almost impossible and they were not very hygienic. A new winter rug can now be laundered and put away ready for another year of use.

Summer sheets and blankets are also an important part of a show horses tack trunk. Horses that are used in competition must be keep spotlessly clean and in great condition. Having several changes of sheets for them makes life much easier. The natural oils for a horses coat are produced constantly and help to add a health shine.

Many people now shop for their equine supplies on line. It is very easy to compare the different brands and find the best one for each individual situation. Many people wait for a sale so that they can snap up some great bargains. Free shipping can also add to the savings and most shipments arrive within a few days. If there is an emergency, overnight shipping can also be arranged for an extra charge.

All rugs should be washed regularly in a mild detergent. It is best to line dry them or at least avoid putting them in the dryer. They should be stored in strong zipped bags to prevent damage from rodents or insects.

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